DIY Bead Garland + GIVEAWAY!!

DIY Wooden Bead Garland

Everybody loves a good DIY.  Today’s post is short and sweet, but super easy and fun!

Materials you’ll need:

  • Wooden Beads: I used these and these 
  • Jute Twine or yarn (the twine is easier for threading)
  • Scissors
  • Scotch Tape

Wooden Bead Garland Materials

Step 1: Cut a length of twine slightly longer than you would like your garland to be (I used about 45 inches).

Step 2: Start threading your beads.  I played around a little bit with my pattern. It doesn’t need to be perfect. Whatever floats your boat.

Wooden Bead Garland

Tip: I wrapped a small piece of tape around the end of my twine to make it easier to thread through the beads. This was a game changer. 

Taped twine end

Step 3: Making tassels for the ends was pretty easy as well. I wrapped some twine around my hand about 8 times, until I got the thickness I wanted for my tassels. You could also do this with yarn if you would like softer tassels at the ends.

After I wrapped the twine around my hand, I took another piece of twine and wrapped it around one end and secured with a small knot. Cut the loops at the other end to finish off your tassel.

DIY Tassel

Step 5: Thread each end of your garland through the loop at the end of your tassel. You can knot your twine here or thread it back through the other beads. I did both.

Wooden Bead Garland

Wooden Bead Garland

Step 6: Clean up any ends and make sure both of your tassels are the same length by trimming if you need to.

Use your beaded garland as a finishing touch and unexpected surprise to any space in your home.

Wooden Bead Garland

Now for the fun part! Get your OWN beaded garland for FREE by entering today’s giveaway!!

Not only that, if you read my post on Coffee Table Books, I will be including a copy of Emily Henderson’s New York Times Bestseller, Styled: Secrets for Arranging Rooms, from Tabletops to Bookshelves.  I have used this book multiple times for ideas and inspiration in decorating my own home as well as clients. She’s pretty much amazing. You will have so much fun flipping through this helpful book and taking her Style Quiz at the beginning!

Styled and Wooden Bead Garland

Rules for entering the giveaway:

  1. You must “Like” our Facebook page or Instagram.
  2. You must tag a friend in the comments of this post, on Facebook, or Instagram.
  3. You must fill out form below with your name and email address.

    Good luck!!

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Simple DIY Wooden Bead Garland

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